Springtime Sunday Morning, Featuring Succulents!

This warm, dry Sunday morning was perfect for breakfast at the Mustard Seed and a stop at the Cactus Man!

Breakfast was delicious as always, although the restaurant was busy and quite loud. Rich enjoyed the Wayne County omelet (which I tried last time we were here), filled with fresh veggies and herbed farm cheese. I had one of the specials, Eggs Benedict with asparagus, served with a slice of tomato over a polenta cake. I’m not a big fan of polenta—mostly because of the texture—but this was really delicious. One of the specials was “Pineapple Upside Down Pancakes,” which we both thought my father would love!

The Cactus Man had a nice selection of new small cacti this year, along with the large golden barrels from years past and an enormous Mammillaria! I wouldn’t have been able to lift the pot. There was also a large pot of tall Echinopsis in bud, and succulents all over the place.

We ended up with an air plant (Tillandsia caput medusae), a blue barrel cactus (Ferocactus glaucescens), a bear’s paw (Cotyledon tomentosa), and what I think is a Pilosocereus of some kind.

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